

Founded by experienced mental healthcare professional, our organization bridges the gap between psychological interventions and plant medicine. Science  2019 we have welcomed over 1500 participants. We do Not offer treatment of any kind for any (mental) illness.

The Essence Institute was founded in 2019 and has since then successfully facilitated many Psychedelic Retreats. We provide a 3-day process in a safe space close to nature, to allow these truffles to boost the transformation of your life. The integration process afterwards needs some personal work and takes weeks up to a few months.


Centre Venwoude

New Eden


3 day psychedelic retreat in a group

Before the start of the retreat, we will send you some guiding questions, best practice and a simple diet for an optional preparation for this inner journey. if you're travelling from abroad, be sure to have one or two days to adjust to European time Zone and Dutch climate. The below program is intended as a general outline.

Day 1


When arriving at the Essence Institute, you'll be welcomed by the facilitators and meet other participants at the retreat. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and get familiar with the grounds.

  • 4:00 PM - Welcome , get to know each other, focus on intention, set, setting.
  • 7:00 PM - Dinner
  • 8:00 PM - Explanation ceremony and preparation

Day 2

Deep Dive

On your second day, you'll experience the psilocybin ceremony. In the morning, yoga and/or a body/breathwork session can be offered so you can ground yourself in your body.

  • 8:00 AM - Morning practice
  • 9:00 AM - Breakfast 
  • 10:00 AM - Bodywork & Breathwork
  • 12:00 PM - Truffle ceremony
  • 1:00 PM - Essence Xperience Ceremony
  • 8:00 PM - Dinner

Day 3


No doubt you'll have a profound experience when you go through the Ceremony, likely tapping into more creativity, clarity, mind expansion and non-duality.

  • 8:00 AM - Morning practice and Breakfast
  • 10:00 AM - Integration
  • 13:00 PM - Lunch
  • 2:00 PM - Goodbye

meet our team: we're ready for you and your journey

Join us on one of our Psychedelic Retreats in Holland.


The Essence Institute aims to deliver a safe and healthy experience. To do so, there are a few precautions for engaging in the experience.

Mental Health Disorders

Those that have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or another mental health condition, such as Bipolar Disorder (I or II),clinical depression, PTSD, etc. are not able to participate in the Essence Experience. The reason for this is because psychedelics can induce psychotic reaction in those who are struggling with mental health disorder.


Second, if you’re using prescription anti-depressants, you may not be able to participate in the Essence Experience for safety reasons. The use of psychopharmacological drugs like SSRI antidepressants can interfere with the serotonergic system and influence the effects of psilocybin.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) anti-depressants can have a profound effect on the use of psilocybin, mostly prolonging the effects. Lithium and other tricyclic antidepressants can be dangerous in combination with psychedelics like psilocybin.

If you have a question about an anti-depressant that you’re taking and whether you can participate or not, please reach out to us.

In addition, be advised that over-the-counter (OTC) drugs or alternative medicines can interfere with the Essence Experience, such as St. John’s Wort, 5-HTP, and CBD oil.  You are advised to stop using these medicines a couple of weeks prior to participating.

Heart Health

First, you must be in good health with no heart condition or high blood pressure.  Although psilocybin is low in toxicity, an increase in blood pressure has been reported in various studies.

Upcoming group-retreats (+costs)

  •  October 28, 2024 - October 30, 2024
     16:00 - 15:00

The cost of a ticket (€ 1.750 for a shared room or € 1.950 for a single room) includes all meals and the truffles. We are facilitated at venue Centrum Venwoude near Utrecht

  •  November 14, 2024 - November 16, 2024
     16:00 - 15:00

The cost of a ticket (€ 1.750 for a shared room or € 1.950 for a single room) includes all meals and the truffles. We are facilitated at venue Centrum Venwoude near Utrecht

  •  November 28, 2024 - November 30, 2024
     16:00 - 15:00

The cost of a ticket (€ 1.750 for a shared room or € 1.950 for a single room) includes all meals and the truffles. We are facilitated at venue Centrum Venwoude near Utrecht


Research and clinical experience have shown that are six elements for a successful psychedelic experience: Substance, set, Session, Setting, Sitter & Situation.


“Situation” refers to your personal situation and how the experiences from the event integrate into your life. It begins on the third day where we facilitate the integration process. From there it will extend for weeks or months into the future.

We will give a set of questions to reflect upon, such as:

  • What insights have you gained that you think will impact your daily life?
  • Are there any people in your life who you should reach out to?

We strongly advise that you not make any major life changes for the first few weeks. Be patient with yourself when making decisions. Feel free to journal regularly. Give yourself time to integrate your experience. The exception would be to stop any behavior that you wish to change, such as an addiction.

If you plan to talk to others about your experience, know that many will not understand it or even be interested. Remember, your psychedelic trip is primarily an internal experience by you, for you. Cherish this experience for yourself and grow from it. Use it to help you reach a higher level of self-awareness, show up in the world at this level, and be the change you want to see.

If someone asks about your experience, that would be a great time to share about it. At the same time, finding a compassionate audience and sharing your experience can contribute to your integration process. A common time frame for most participants to integrate insights is about six months.


“Sitter” refers to the facilitator(s) of the psilocybin Ceremony.  They will be present in case you need, but they’re likely to just be there observing and holding space for you to have an optimal experience.  Your internal Self will be your guide through the experience, so you may not need a facilitator; however, in case you do need them, they’re there.

There is one facilitator for every five participants.  All of them have experience taking psychedelics and facilitating others through similar experiences. They can be a firm beacon in moments of disorientation or anxiety.


The setting is the surrounding in which the whole event occurs, including the physical environment, the space for the event, and the atmosphere created by facilitators.

The event will always take place in a warm, cozy, family environment with easy access to nature. We want you to feel safe and secure, so you can let go. The only people present will be others in your group and your facilitators. We create a soothing ambiance, so you can more easily focus on your inner experience.

In terms of atmosphere, we use creative, unique music to aid in your enlightening experience. According to the Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: “Most cultures that use plants for healing, divination, or spiritual revivification use music to facilitate the transition from one level of awareness to another and to enhance the feeling of safety by providing nonverbal support.

You can choose to close your eyes or use a blindfold to help you focus on your inner world. We encourage you to refrain from speaking out loud to keep from distracting others. We take great pride in establishing a beautiful, serene setting that invites you to experience an unforgettable mind-altering journey.


“Session” refers to the general timeframe for the psilocybin trip, which is usually around six hours. We like to call this experience a “Ceremony”.

According to the Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, there are six stages to a psychedelic session:

  1. 1
    Ingesting the Psychedelic
  2. 2
    Initial Onset
  3. 3
    Opening and Letting Go
  4. 4
  5. 5
    The Gentle Glide
  6. 6
    The End of the Formal Session

Rest assured that your session will be supervised by caring and compassionate facilitators that are there if you need. They’ll be there holding sacred space for you, so can feel free to rest and let go.

Your session will be uniquely yours.  Other participants report experiencing various emotions, insights, ideas, and valuable information that brings them to a higher conscious level.  They also report that the experience stays with them long-term, working at more of a subconscious level.


“Set” refers to your mental state, mindset, or attitude before, during, and after your Essence Retreat. This includes your preparations before and during your ceremony, as well as your integration on the third day and afterwards in your daily life.

You’ll want to ask yourself why you’re wanting to participate in the psilocybin experience, to be sure you have a positive motivation for doing so. Not being clear or trying to escape or numb out for some reason could result in a bad trip.

To assist you with the “Set”, we will provide a number of recommendations to prepare you for the three-day Essence Retreat, including how to prepare nutritionally and questions to help you self-reflect.


According to the 2017 Global Drug Survey, the safest hallucinogen to take is psilocybin. According to professor Paul Hutson from the University of Wisconsin, psilocybin is preferred over other hallucinogens because:

  • It reliably establishes and maintains a mystical state.
  • In scientific studies, there is evidence of benefits for helping minimize symptoms of depression, substance abuse disorder, PTSD, and several other issues.
  • Subjects who have taken psilocybin indicate that it’s well tolerated.
  • Psilocybin has a shorter action time when compared to other hallucinogens, like LSD.

According to Wikipedia, psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic prodrug compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms, collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms. The most potent are members of the genus Psilocybe, such as P. azurescensP. semilanceata, and P. cyanescens, but psilocybin has also been isolated from about a dozen other genera.

As a prodrug, psilocybin is quickly converted by the body to psilocin, which has mind-altering effects similar to those of LSD, mescaline and DMT. In general, the effects include euphoria, visual and mental hallucinations, changes in perception, a distorted sense of time, and spiritual experiences. Keep in mind that it can also include possible adverse reactions, such as nausea and panic attacks.




I recently attended the 2.5 day Essence retreat in Venwoude and would like to share what a deep, meaningful experience it was for me. The Essence team were extremely empathetic and professional. The program well thought through and it was amazing the depth of experience one could have in a short period of time.

I would strongly recommend to anyone looking to compliment their spiritual journey with an additional dimension. I had never used psychedelics before and can report that, thanks to the Essence facilitators, I felt well looked after and ready for any eventuality whether a ‘hard’ or ‘easy’ trip.

Jeff (Dec. 2023)

The retreat for me provided the solution/peace I have been seeking all my life.
I write this 6 weeks following the psychedelic experience and I have a profound feeling of relief from a lifetime of rumination and anxiety with an increased level of happiness and connectivity.
I felt extremely safe and supported prior to and during the process. I had travelled a great distance to undertake the psilocybin journey and could not be happier with my outcome. Just sad that I had to wait until 67 years of age. I am continuing with the integration process of daily meditation and journaling.

Shelley (Oct. 2022)

Like most people, I was apprehensive and excited about attending the essence retreat. From start to finish I found the whole retreat and the journey itself incredibly well run. The essence team were all very welcoming, caring, empathetic, experienced and knowledgeable. The grounds and facilities felt safe and beautiful and the food was amazing. I gained valuable insights into aspects of my life and others that will benefit myself and those around me. Most importantly I learned to be kind to myself and to others.

I would highly recommend the experience to anyone interested.

Lloyd (Nov. 2022)

I think the impact on my life is very relevant although I do not yet know fully what impact it will have. I recommend this place to others, if they are open for this experience. It was very intense, confronting an insightful. The way we could connect as a group of strangers in such a short time is amazing. The facilitators were very welcoming and warm. It is definitely a safe place to experience this special journey

Elisa (Nov. 2022)

If I had a gift to give to all people on earth, it will be this retreat. The love, the learning, the dancing, the meditation, the Ceremony, the outstanding facilitation by the lovely facilitators… Just everything is worth more than I can express. Do this for you!

Saif (Dec. 2022)

A beautifully constructed retreat: getting to know each other which promoted the feeling of comfort and safety. The exercises before, and after the psychedelic Ceremony. The very emotionally supportive and useful integration sessions.

Kerry (Dec. 2022)

This experience was probably one of the most healing and enlightening of my life so far!

It’s difficult to put into words exactly how this experience has helped me move forward, but I will say that it gave me a higher footing on the ladder of self discovery. I’m integrating and learning more each day and it takes time; but it’s been a healthy process for me.

Getting to the route cause of my emotional issues is a wonderful healing experience and the work continues each day.

The care and support given by the Essence Institute is so appreciated and I would highly recommend them to others that are looking for a safe and legal retreat.

Stephanie (Feb. 2023)

The retreat was a profoundly life-changing experience for me. Some say a trip is the equivalent of 100 hours of therapy, and it really did feel that way to me.

The team was fantastic. I highly recommend the experience.

Ben (Jan. 2023)

“My experience at the Essence Retreat was eye-opening and mind-changing. The therapists were extraordinary, they created a caring and safe environment and their insights were very helpful.

I have already recommended Essence to a number of friends without any reservation. It was an amazing and helpful event.”

Barbara (March 2023)

“The Essence retreat is very special. I was revisiting psychedelics after a 20-year pause, so I felt like a novice, and had a sense of trepidation on signing up—I was a bit nervous about what might happen.

However, the setting was perfect—a beautiful location set back away from the busy world, a real oasis—and I was immediately reassured by the staff who conveyed deep knowledge about what they were doing in a warm and compassionate way. I felt at home.

Everything was so well planned and directed, from the preparatory work through to the integration and goodbyes, and it was clear that the group as a whole had a deeply profound and important experience.”

Alex (Apr. 2023)

I would never have been able to face my fears without these incredible facilitators. They walk the walk! True role models and believers in trusting our own process. I believe they can hold anything that comes their way, so they created a very safe environment. My life has been changed forever, and I have learned there is nothing to be scared of in me, more self-love and welcoming of life. Thanks so much, you beautiful people!

Natasha (jan 2024)

I have been to Essence twice this year, the first in Feb and the second in October. I have to say the guys who ran both retreats were brilliant. I have benefitted massively from attending the retreats. Since Feb I have lost 25 kg of unwanted flab, kicked my five a day coffee, I feel much more open and able to deal with all that life throws my way. I feel crazy good most days. Attending the retreat has enabled me to reset and rediscover my authentic self. I would highly recommend Essence to anyone who is interested in a similar experience.

Norman (Dec. 2023)

I recently took part in a retreat of the Essence Institute. It was a mindblowing experience with deep and important insights, that changed my life and my sight of life. The team was fantasticand heartwarming in preparing us, in supervising us, in being with us every minute in a wonderful carying way. I felt safe every moment. I loved it so much. The venue was very nice with a lot of nature around, nice rooms and great food.So, it was a great experience. Thank you for everything.

Martine (Febr 2024)

My experience at the Essence truffle retreat in December 2023 was essentially the essence of what I needed: a renewal of my spiritual path, an energy injection and a good group experience. The facilitation was warm and well structured and the environment welcoming. The music was beautiful. The Truffles were good teachers–strong but not too strong. The integration materials and process were well conceived and effective. Thank you for a meaningful experience.

Kristi (dec 2023)

My experience at the Essence Retreat was wholly profound and positive. The retreat was professionally managed, so that at all times I felt expertly cared for and guided, but with a wonderfully informal atmosphere that encouraged relaxation and openness amongst the group of complete strangers. The beautiful natural setting in the woods at Centre Venwoude was an unexpected bonus.The truffle ceremony left me without words, but with the knowledge that something deep within me had changed for the better: my anxiety mostly gone and – most surprising – a sense of connection and kindness to others that I’d never felt before. One of the most important experiences of my life.

Jamie (jan 2024)

My experience with Essence Institute was profoundly uplifting and feels joyously life changing.
Our guides took us through the most wonderful, gentle and caring process, which created a truly sacred space for our truffles experience. They helped us clarify why we were there, they dispeled any fear or anxiety that many of us had beforehand, and they created a beautiful, peaceful atmosphere – the perfect setting for the experience. They took great care of all of us during and after the experience, helping us to examine the meaning of what happened to us and helping us to plan how we’d apply the insights to our daily life. I think this strong emphasis on integration has been profoundly helpful.
Since I have been back home I have been much more joyful and less worried and reactive than I had previously been. I have been meditating and journaling daily, and reading Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach, which has the same loving approach to spiritual growth that our team of guides had. My wife and friends have noticed a change in me. For the first time in ages I feel I’m taking proper care of myself, and I think as a result people around me are responding to me in a kinder, more open way, which is a joy. I know I still have a lot of work to do, and I have occasional lapses, but I’m joyfully committed to this new path I’m on thanks to my Essence retreat. I wholeheartedly recommend the experience with Essence. Thank you so much!

Andrew (feb 2024)

“A life-changing event. The experience has given me a sense of peace and well-being that I had been seeking for years. The Essence team created a welcoming environment for healing and connection on this unforgettable retreat. Thank you so much.

Timo (feb 2024)

This retreat was mind blowing. The facilitators were great and because of their care I was able to dive in fully to explore every part of my being. I had a lot of aha moments and I received many answers I was searching for in my life.
I tried to stop smoking for 20 years. I had tried everything, and I went into the retreat with the intention to stop. During the retreat something in my attitude towards this changed and I haven’t smoked since then.
Another very important thing that happened was that I am OK with letting my feelings come up and feel emotions. If it’s happiness or sadness I am just OK with it. Before the retreat I was always suppressing emotions, I never dived into them.
I am generally an empathic person, but I was able to see the world around me more clearly during the retreat. I had more empathy, understanding clarity for people and their behavior, even for those who hurt me. Since this day, I am highly motivated, deeply appreciating life and feeling gratitude with all my senses. It feels like I have all the tools I need, to get the best out of this experience.
I’m so happy and thankful that I tried such a profound life changing experience, and I can’t wait to come again.

J. (march 2024)

I participated in a retreat three months ago. Since then, I feel that the experience has significantly accelerated my emotional development. It helped me relax more and connect with my emotions more. It was my first experience with psychedelics, and I was scared going into it. The facilitators had clearly seen that many times and knew how to help me handle that. Their support before, during, and after the psilocybin session was powerfully comforting and enabling. Their work is facilitated by the fact that psilocybin is legal in the Netherlands: that way, they can do this professionally and thoroughly, without worries. Essence is well-organized and full of dedicated, caring, experienced, and skilled people. I’m joining another Essence retreat this summer.

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Frequently asked questions

Why is the minimum age to participate 25 years?

The age limit of 25 years is installed because the brain is still growing and developing up to that age. Important contra-indications as some disorders are found almost always before the age of 25(but not always before 20). we must take this contra-indication very seriously because of the immense consequences when things go wrong. And as a young adolescent you rather not come in contact with a very high dose of psilocybin, like participants use in our Retreats

What's included in the price?

  • A facilitated psilocybin truffles Ceremony by experienced and dedicated facilitators in a safe and legal way
  • A 3-days stay at an accommodation in the middle of nature
  • Very healthy, delicious vegan food 
  • Bodywork, yoga, meditation and transformational breathing session
  • Preparation experience before and integration guidelines after the Ceremony
  • Psilocybin (high dose) truffles, a Mindfold, a personal Integration Journal and a Notebook
  • 21% VAT
  • NOT included are additional costs for traveling to the venue and back

How is taking psilocybin truffles different from taking ayahuasca?

Whether you take ayahuasca or psilocybin, you’re likely to have a profound mental, emotional, and spiritual experience. However, psilocybin has less of a physical impact on your body as ayahuasca.  Essentially, this means that with psilocybin, you’re much less likely to suffer nausea and vomiting than if you were taking ayahuasca. And, the psilocybin “mind-altering” experience lasts a shorter time and recovery is faster.

Can I get addicted to taking psilocybin truffles when attending retreats?

Psilocybin is not an addictive substance. You may enjoy and get a lot out of the experience, but you’re not likely to become physically dependent on psilocybin.

Can I attend more than one session?

If you’d like to attend more than one retreat, this is acceptable, and many people choose to do this. You can wait several months in between and then return for a new, oftentimes deeper experience.

Is there a difference in taking mushrooms at home? Or should I just do this at a retreat?

Scientific studies indicate that the Set and Setting in which the psychedelic is taken are key factors to the impact and benefits of the session. For an ideal experience, it’s best to take psilocybin in a safe and serene setting where you can be monitored by professionals. We have found that there is great value in partaking in a psilocybin experience with others who are also seeking a deeper spiritual experience.  See optimal experience (Set, Setting and Situation) for more information.

Is taking psilocybin truffles safe?

Psilocybin is one of the safest hallucinogens, but you should be aware of the contraindications. See optimal experience (Substance) for more information.

Is taking truffles with psilocybin legal?

In the Netherlands, it is legal to purchase and consume psilocybin in the form of ‘magic truffles’. Truffles are a different part of the mushroom, known as sclerotia, which remain dormant and help the mushroom regrow after damage. Magic mushrooms, in contrast, are illegal.

the science of psilocybin and its use to relieve suffering

Leading psycho pharmacologist Roland Griffiths disclosed the way  that psychedelics cab be used to create meaningful personal and spiritual transformative experiences for everyone, also the terminally ill. He past away October 16th 2023 and we honour him and his huge contribution to the research that helped kickstart this new era of psychedelics,

recommended readings on psilocybin en psychedelics

Find out more about psilocybin and the profound effect of psilocybin retreats by checking our list of articles, books and videos. We especially recommend reading 'how to change your mind' by Michael Pollan. Reading this book before you come to one of our Psilocybin Retreats in the Netherland is an excellent preparation.

Decomposing the Shadow

James W. Jesso

The Psychedelics Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys

James Fadiman

Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge

Terence McKenna

How to Change your Mind

Michael Pollan